Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't Slam Another Door On Your Dream!

Choice, chance & know what it's like where you are, you're unsure what it's like where the opportunity presents itself. Ask yourself are you completely satisfied staying put or will you step out on faith & explore this new opportunity believing that your path is guided by a light greater than yourself? If you're really sick & tired, don't slam another open door on yourself. ♥ Peace & Love ♥

How many times have you stood in the way of your own progress? I can tell you I've been guilty of this far too many times. It can be difficult to admit it and take responsibility for blocking your own blessings. It is easier to point fingers and pass the blame to others in our lives. But it's not until we are able to look ourselves square in the mirror and say it's me, it's my life and it's my decision to make that we can move into to action to explore life's possibilities.

Some of my best decisions were the hardest to make. You know the ones where you sit on the fence thinking of all the reasons why you need things to change and all the reasons to simply leave things as they are. It's the uncertainty and the negative self-talk that stops us dead in our tracks. We know what to expect where we are, it's our comfort zone. However, change is uncomfortable because we lose our sense of control. We don't have all the answers. We can't visualize what it will be like. We begin to allow our self-talk to identify all the things that could possibly go wrong. Then we second guess our selfs and often we slam the door on ourselves.

Don't slam another door on you and your dream. You are worthy...believe it! See yourself there...Visualize it! Decide to take a leap of faith and the net will appear.

Peace & Love,