Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Speaking of Irma Givens

Irma is an exceptional speaker, trainer, author, life coach, and entrepreneur who is keeping up with the needs of professionals their businesses and corporations. With personal experience, education, research, and a passion to empower people, Irma creates programs and products to help individuals lead & succeed from the inside out & businesses excel beyond their vision.

Irma is known for her dynamic, empowering speaking. She has become a best kept secret. Irma’s ability to reach her listener on a personal and professional level, while empowering them to excel is just what CEO’s, Directors, and Managers are looking for to jump start their team’s success.

Over the years Irma has filled the role of management, leader, trainer, and coach on a very high scale and has exceeded the expectations of many.

Irma is excited and looks forward to working with you at your next training, workshop, personal and professional development day, leadership or speaking opportunity.


"My first impression of Ms. Givens has remained as an indelible feature of her personality. She is a dynamic individual, extraordinarily dedicated to the fulfillment of her mission.” - Attorney John F. Fleming, Kallas & Henk Law Firm

“Ms. Givens is intelligent, self-confident and she possesses a high level of commitment to empowering others. I feel that Ms. Givens is a natural born leader. She makes everyone around her better.” - Attorney Lloyd Johnson, Fieger, Fieger, Kenney & Johnson Law Firm

“Irma constantly encouraged and motivated others through her thoughtful words, deeds and actions. She served an informal mentor to others and helped show her peers what they were capable of, even when they didn’t believe in themselves. These qualities, as well as her positive attitude make her an inspiration to those around her.” ~ Amy Karaban, Supervisor, University of Michigan – Dearborn

Keynote, Workshop and Seminar Titles:
• Backroom to Boardroom
• Think About It, Bring About It
• Using What You’ve Got To Get What You Want
• Falling Face Up
• Jump, Hop, Skip, Run, Yell, Scream: Just Get it DONE!
• Fall in Line or Get Crushed
• Leading From the Inside Out
• Live, Learn & Lead

• Toastmasters International
• National Speakers Association
• National Association of Female Executives
• National Association for the Education of Young Children
• National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
• National Child Care Association
• National Association of Women Business Owners

Specializing in:
• Keynote Addresses
• Training and Consulting/Coaching
• Customized Speaking and Training
• Break-out Sessions
• Personal and Professional Development
• Improving Teamwork and Leadership
• Empowering team members to excel.

Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Meditate: An Illustrated Guide For Newbies | Intent.com

How To Meditate: An Illustrated Guide For Newbies | Intent.com

Too Busy to Take Notice

Modern technology is a wonderful thing. We've been able to do things that we didn't even imagine twenty years ago. Things are moving like the speed of light, are we so busy that we are failing to take notice of those closes to us?

Depression is REAL!! We have far too many news reports of individuals doing the unthinkable. Husbands killing wives & then themselves, employees killing management & co-workers, mothers killing their small children, teenagers killing teenagers...we need to do something now.

There were signs before these people reached the point of no return. However, we are too busy to take notice or are we? Why are these individuals calls for help going unanswered?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall In Line

Hey, I'm so excited about the change of season, I can barely sleep. I see it as a time for renewal for you and me. Draw a line right where you are and begin again today - with the changes you want to make. See the trees shed their leaves for a reason and we too can shed what is used up, unwanted and undesirable to us. So, why not FALL in line - with the you that you see yourself becoming. You can do it!

This morning a posted a message on Twitter that said, "That which you place your focus on becomes bigger" now is your opportunity to shift your focus, limit your distractions so that you become the best of you and live on purpose with a deeper passion. Don't like something about your life, change it and if you cannot change it, at least change your attitude about it.

Smile every chance you get because great things are possible. Practice an attitude of gratitude and watch great things happen in your life. Thank you for stopping by! Click Here and we'll fall together!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Someday, tomorrow or when?

I often hear people say I'll get around to it someday or I plan to take care of it tomorrow. Yet another day passes and they have failed to act. I've even been guilty of that myself a time or two. The key here is ACTION. One much align your thoughts (intentions), your feelings (self-talk) and your actions. We often have great intentions but without the ability to feel we can do it and the strength to act on it, it simply goes undone. Today, I urge you to take action on your greatest intentions.

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media | Social Media Today

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media | Social Media Today