Thursday, December 9, 2010

Irma Givens| Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach - Welcome

Irma Givens shares her practical approach to transformation as an author, speaker, “Very Vital Vision” workshop facilitator and life coach who offers programs, products and events to empower women to lead and succeed. Irma helps people achieve their goals and dreams by getting their vision corrected. Here’s to your success!

Home Is Where the Heart Is, But We Loss the House

by Irma Givens

There’s absolutely no question, the economy is tearing our lives apart. For many of us our house represents family, stability, love and it keeps us grounded. We wake up there every morning; we eat, laugh, cry, entertain, play and go to sleep there every night. It’s the one place that we get to lay down our troubles, block out the noise of the world around us and feel safe. So we rarely, if ever, give any thought to losing it. Many families remain in the same house while raising their children and no matter how far those children go, they always refer to that house as home.

I consider myself to have been blessed when I got my very first house. I guess you could say I was super blessed when I purchase each house after that one. I never took that for granted after all I was living the American dream. I was married; I had two children, the house, the dog, the white picket fence, the cars, the job and the business. My ducks were all in a row until tragedy struck. For some it maybe the loss of a job, the closure of a business but no matter what that tragedy is; it has now landed the house you call home on the line.

You find yourself upside down wondering how the hell you arrived or shall I say fell to this point. The most important question that many people find themselves asking is what am I going to do now. On that cold day when you learn that your house is actually in foreclosure it sends chills throughout your body whether you live in the tropics or the arctic. For me, I felt as though it was thee coldest day of my entire life. I remember sitting alone on the couch thinking after all my planning, all my accomplishments, after goal setting, after pushing myself ahead, after taking good care of my family, reaching out to uplift others, educating myself, there must have been something that I missed and I wanted to know what it was. I literally beat myself up repeatedly until the day came to finally move out.

Let me tell you that most of us become immobilized and we take no action until it’s time to pack every prized possession and go. We figure we don’t have the money to pay what the mortgage company is demanding; we can’t borrow it from anyone so we surrender and say it is what it is. Immediately make the tough phone calls and weigh your every option. Just remember, your sanity and physical health are worth way more than the house you’re trying to save. Don’t allow the overwhelming stress to get the best of you. Prepare yourself for the move because they may be your only way out. Hold your head high and march on soldier!

One thing I now know for sure is there is a divine plan bigger than any plan. It supersedes our plan and that God makes no mistakes. He moves us in the direction that he has prepared for us. Therefore, that house, whether made from wood construction or brick and mortar was the shelter that he prepared for you for that set time. Now, he needs to move you on. He has something greater planned for you in divine time. Just reach out to him, lean on him and listen to his word. When God tells us to move many times we second guess ourselves and try to justify remaining in our comfort zone. Society tells us that stable is sensible. God is god and he tells us to move for a reason. Remember when you were growing up and Mama said do something and you asked why? Mama would then come back and say when I tell you to move, you move and ask questions later or no at all. I adopted the mindset that God had another plan, he said move, I had to move and understand the why was none of my business. I just needed to be obedient. You gotta hear me now!!!! You must get this! Stop worrying about what is none of your concern. You cannot control everyone and everything. God will shake it up, turn it around and lay it all down in perfect divine order. Get out of the way and let transformation begin.

The second thing I know for sure is the house where love resides inside is home. Take the love and occupy the next dwelling. Be sure to take special care of all your blessings along the journey. It’s a way of showing gratitude. He’s brought you from a mighty long way and he will not leave out in the cold. The house does not make the home. A house is still a house when no one resides inside. Luther Vandross sang it best when he sang A House Is Not A Home. A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sittin' there. But a chair is not a house and a house is not a home.

Copyright © 2010 Irma Givens

About Irma: Irma Givens shares her practical approach to transformation as an author, speaker, “Very Vital Vision” workshop facilitator and life coach who offers programs, products and events to empower women to lead and succeed. Irma helps people achieve their goals and dreams by getting their vision corrected. Here’s to your success! Visit:

Let Go - DeWayne Woods

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Be a Change Master!

Be a Change Master!
by Keith Varnum

The person who masters change, masters happiness.

The best way to thrive in today's ever-fluid, volatile world, is to become a master of change. A "Change Master" not only welcomes, invites and celebrates the flux of constantly evolving life, but also consciously drives and directs these rhythms. When you live "smart," you drive change. You don't have to let change drive you. When you shift from a "resistance-to-change" mindset toward a self-empowered frame of mind, you unlock your vitality, creativity and spirit.

Change, the Unwelcome Guest

Most of us were not raised to welcome change. On the contrary, our modern Western culture promotes the opposite: the pursuit of predictability. We're advised to try to keep our life as regular, set and stable as possible. The status quo is sacred. The unknown future is portrayed as dangerous and threatening. "Don't rock the boat!" we're admonished. The collective strategy is that the more aspects of our life that remain the same, the less we have to adjust and adapt. And the less we have to change, the easier life will be. The party line is that change is inevitable -- unfortunately! -- but certainly no fun. Having to constantly change and grow is experienced as a struggle -- a challenging, hard ordeal -- by most of our elders.

Make Change Your Ally

Indigenous peoples have a different approach to change. Native peoples live closer to Nature than most Westerners do. And they take their cue from Mother Nature who advises: "Make change your friend, your ally. Allow change to work for you, not against you." The natural world suggests we learn to roll with the punches, so we can enjoy life exuberantly expressing itself through continual change.

Feng-shui Your Life

If we observe elements of nature, we see that water and wind flow with the life's tides of constant change. Water and wind are flexible and fluid, willing to transform shape immediately with the fluctuating forces acting upon them. They move in the direction of the movement of change. They take the quickest, easiest path -- the path of least resistance -- no matter what changes in form are required. Hence, the whole philosophy and practice of Feng-shui: the art of nurturing energy flow, health and aliveness. The very term literally means "the way of wind and water." In Chinese, "feng" means wind, "shui" means water.

Change as Opportunity

Native peoples wisely view change as a personal opportunity, not as a threat. They know that change brings fresh perspectives and new possibilities. Indigenous peoples look for the gift in every curve ball that life throws us. Indigenous cultures welcome the surprise and spontaneity that naturally accompany change. They know that the more we flow with the fluctuations of life, the more resilient and happier we are.

"How Can I Steer Change to My Advantage?"

Knowing that change is inevitable and ever-occurring, tribal peoples intuitively respond to life's fluctuations ahead of time -- rather than waiting until life forces them to change, reacting after the fact. Looking ahead with excitement and clarity, native peoples anticipate the inevitable twists and turns of life's winding river. They prepare themselves and their lives to bend, re-arrange and transform to harmonize with the upcoming meanderings of the river. They know that change is life's agent of renewal and strategy of survival.

The Myth of Change as Struggle

Contrary to popular belief, change does not have to be hard! Change can be difficult if we choose to fight it or deny it -- like the perennial ostrich, sticking its head in the sand and pretending something doesn't exist. When we don't prepare ourselves for life's rollicking rollercoaster, we don't enjoy the ride.

But if we get proactive and anticipate change, we can not only flow with the current, but also direct the current. We can lead change by taking the initiative to take creative steps ahead of time that allow the inevitable to be accommodated with ease and even joy! A Change Master chooses to embark in new directions, to experiment with different options, and to surf the waves of change as a fun life adventure.

Intuition to the Rescue!

With today's fast-moving pace, action often has to be taken with limited or imperfect information about the future. Without all the necessary facts, the analytical mind doesn't know what to do. But intuition does! A Change Master consults intuition -- inner guidance, instincts, "gut feeling" -- when sufficient data is not available.

The analytical side of our consciousness organizes and stores information. The intuitive side immediately retrieves all relevant data and experience from the full depth and breath of our lifelong experience in order for us to make wise decisions. The analytical mind is to intuition as a file cabinet is to the supercomputer at the Pentagon. Intuition functions a thousand times faster than the mind. And has resources a million times more vast. A Change Master uses intuition to improve his or her ability to improvise and adjust quickly to change. Intuition helps us to not only survive, but to thrive!

Inner Guidance Saves a Family

Humans also have precognitive abilities, but usually don't use them as much as animals. Susan, one of my coaching clients, is an exception. One day she received a very strong intuitive knowing to sell her family's home and move. Loving the house, neighborhood and schools, her husband and children didn't want to uproot their lives without a good "rational" reason. Her certainty in the accuracy of her intuition fortunately convinced the family to relocate. The week after the their home was sold and the moving van had left with all their possessions, the house was destroyed in the 1994 Northridge, California, 6.8 magnitude earthquake!

Ride the Wave

With an open, willing attitude toward life's inevitable fluctuations, a Change Master can discern the probable path of the future and make pre-emptive adjustments to make the transition easier when it comes. If we are in denial or blinding fear about the future, we can't get ourselves ready to handle the shifts with grace. With an accepting approach, we can intuitively predict the course of our future and arrange our life to take the fullest advantage of the changes.

Copyright © 2005 Keith Varnum

About Keith: Keith Varnum shares his practical approach to transformation as an author, radio host and "Dream Workshops" facilitator. Keith helps people get love, money, health and spirit with his free Prosperity Ezine, free Empowerment CD and free Coaching at

Friday, December 3, 2010

The KEQM Files: Justin Walker, Convicted Murderer, Posting on FB ...

The KEQM Files: Justin Walker, Convicted Murderer, Posting on FB ...: "Convicted Murderer, Justin Walker,  Posting on FB from Prison Cell The mother of an Oklahoma man who was shot to death is furious that Just..."

OMG! The Year is Over & I Need to Finish

OMG! The Year is Over & I Need to Finish
By Irma Givens

The pressure is on; after all it is December. We start out every year with resolutions, goals, dreams and great expectations that the year ahead will be better than the previous one. That’s wonderful, new beginnings give us such energy. However, the pressure mounts as the year comes to a close. We start to reflect on the twelve months prior and begin asking ourselves, what have I accomplished and where has the time gone. Don’t beat yourself up over the next four weeks. Start small & look back on all the steps you took in the direction of your goals and dreams. Pat yourself on the back for each of those steps. Maybe you didn’t reach your biggest goal; it’s not the end of the world. Hey, you may not have even come close but remember, the year is ending, you are still alive. You have another opportunity to make your dream your reality.

I start with the same notebook that I wrote my goals and dreams in at the start of the year. I go through it carefully, line by line. I make note of every step I made toward each goal and I put purple stars next to the goals that I achieved. I put a red plus sign next to those that still need my attention. I highlight those that I started but didn’t finish. I then re-write the four that I can accomplish in four weeks on separate sheets of paper, in the same notebook. On each of those four pages I make a to-do list. After you have done this, the clock starts to tick. Get in gear and start now. Remember to celebrate your successes along the way and trust me, you will feel so much better knowing that you tied up some of those loose ends.

Going into the New Year, put these steps in place:
Decide ( Make up your mind)
Set Goals & Continue Setting Goals (You MUST write them down)
Make your goals meaningful to you & measureable
Monitor your progress at least weekly
For each goal, write a list of steps you need to take in order to get there
Reward yourself for completing the steps (Choose healthy rewards)
Share your goal with someone who will hold you accountable & who will cheer for you
Do NOT allow haters to derail your plan
Put reminders on your calendar on your computer, cell phone & refrigerator
Post affirmations on your mirror so that you will see them & say them daily

Here’s to your success. You can do it! For more information or to contact Irma Givens email: and visit

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Speaking of Irma Givens

Irma is an exceptional speaker, trainer, author, life coach, and entrepreneur who is keeping up with the needs of professionals their businesses and corporations. With personal experience, education, research, and a passion to empower people, Irma creates programs and products to help individuals lead & succeed from the inside out & businesses excel beyond their vision.

Irma is known for her dynamic, empowering speaking. She has become a best kept secret. Irma’s ability to reach her listener on a personal and professional level, while empowering them to excel is just what CEO’s, Directors, and Managers are looking for to jump start their team’s success.

Over the years Irma has filled the role of management, leader, trainer, and coach on a very high scale and has exceeded the expectations of many.

Irma is excited and looks forward to working with you at your next training, workshop, personal and professional development day, leadership or speaking opportunity.

"My first impression of Ms. Givens has remained as an indelible feature of her personality. She is a dynamic individual, extraordinarily dedicated to the fulfillment of her mission.” - Attorney John F. Fleming, Kallas & Henk Law Firm

“Ms. Givens is intelligent, self-confident and she possesses a high level of commitment to empowering others. I feel that Ms. Givens is a natural born leader. She makes everyone around her better.” - Attorney Lloyd Johnson, Fieger, Fieger, Kenney & Johnson Law Firm

“Irma constantly encouraged and motivated others through her thoughtful words, deeds and actions. She served an informal mentor to others and helped show her peers what they were capable of, even when they didn’t believe in themselves. These qualities, as well as her positive attitude make her an inspiration to those around her.” ~ Amy Karaban, Supervisor, University of Michigan – Dearborn

Keynote, Workshop and Seminar Titles:
• Backroom to Boardroom
• Think About It, Bring About It
• Using What You’ve Got To Get What You Want
• Falling Face Up
• Jump, Hop, Skip, Run, Yell, Scream: Just Get it DONE!
• Fall in Line or Get Crushed
• Leading From the Inside Out
• Live, Learn & Lead

• Toastmasters International
• National Speakers Association
• National Association of Female Executives
• National Association for the Education of Young Children
• National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
• National Child Care Association
• National Association of Women Business Owners

Specializing in:
• Keynote Addresses
• Training and Consulting/Coaching
• Customized Speaking and Training
• Break-out Sessions
• Personal and Professional Development
• Improving Teamwork and Leadership
• Empowering team members to excel.

Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Meditate: An Illustrated Guide For Newbies |

How To Meditate: An Illustrated Guide For Newbies |

Too Busy to Take Notice

Modern technology is a wonderful thing. We've been able to do things that we didn't even imagine twenty years ago. Things are moving like the speed of light, are we so busy that we are failing to take notice of those closes to us?

Depression is REAL!! We have far too many news reports of individuals doing the unthinkable. Husbands killing wives & then themselves, employees killing management & co-workers, mothers killing their small children, teenagers killing teenagers...we need to do something now.

There were signs before these people reached the point of no return. However, we are too busy to take notice or are we? Why are these individuals calls for help going unanswered?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall In Line

Hey, I'm so excited about the change of season, I can barely sleep. I see it as a time for renewal for you and me. Draw a line right where you are and begin again today - with the changes you want to make. See the trees shed their leaves for a reason and we too can shed what is used up, unwanted and undesirable to us. So, why not FALL in line - with the you that you see yourself becoming. You can do it!

This morning a posted a message on Twitter that said, "That which you place your focus on becomes bigger" now is your opportunity to shift your focus, limit your distractions so that you become the best of you and live on purpose with a deeper passion. Don't like something about your life, change it and if you cannot change it, at least change your attitude about it.

Smile every chance you get because great things are possible. Practice an attitude of gratitude and watch great things happen in your life. Thank you for stopping by! Click Here and we'll fall together!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Someday, tomorrow or when?

I often hear people say I'll get around to it someday or I plan to take care of it tomorrow. Yet another day passes and they have failed to act. I've even been guilty of that myself a time or two. The key here is ACTION. One much align your thoughts (intentions), your feelings (self-talk) and your actions. We often have great intentions but without the ability to feel we can do it and the strength to act on it, it simply goes undone. Today, I urge you to take action on your greatest intentions.

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media | Social Media Today

How to Reward Yourself Using Social Media | Social Media Today

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sometimes You Just Need an Outlet

With all that goes on in the course of one day, you need a moment of "ME" time. Not to mention what goes on in the course of a week, month or a year. We all get caught up with our daily lives and all the items on our things to do list that we often forget the need for an outlet.

How many times have things happened in your life and you wanted to express them but didn't know how or to whom? So, instead of expressing them you suppressed them and kept on going. In one of my presentations, where I talk about releasing the fears and the tears,,I do a demonstration with a trash can. Visualize with me for a moment, a trash can filled to the rim and suddenly there's more trash. So, you press down the existing trash so that more will fit. The only problem is the trash can has a certain capacity and once you reach that capacity no amount of pushing down will allow the trash to stay in the can. Instead, it will come pouring over the sides and onto the floor.

Just like the trash can, our bodies will only allow us to suppress so much trash. When we reach our capacity, it starts to spill all out into every area of our lives. Find constructive ways to release, find an outlet before you reach the point of capacity. Please share ways that you've found to release.

For ladies, perhaps you can join me for a L.O.O.P. (Ladies Operating On Purpose) meeting. The meetings are designed around the needs of women. If you're interested, contact me for more information. Send an email to: and in the subject line enter the word LOOP.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Leading You Own Way

Now is the time!  The time to lead the life that up until now you've only dreamed of.  Ask yourself what is stopping you from stepping out on faith?  What are you afraid of?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Give yourself permission to move ahead in deserve it! --> ~~Peace and Love~~
It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. ~Warren Buffett {Peace & Love}

Thursday, January 28, 2010

~ We all have a purpose, are you living on purpose with passion? ~ Try it! -->
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

God grant me the serenity 2 accept the people I can't change, the courage 2 change the one I can, & the wisdom to know it's me. -Author Unkn
SMILE & know that I am someplace smiling back at you!
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Give yourself permission to move ahead in deserve it! --> ~~Peace and Love~~
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. -Author Unknown {Peace & Love}
It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stop waiting on others to change, step out on faith & change the world. You have a purpose to fulfill...act with a sense of urgency.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Our only security is our ability to change. -John Lilly {Peace & Love}

Thursday, January 7, 2010

God grant me the serenity 2 accept the people I can't change, the courage 2 change the one I can, & the wisdom to know it's me. -Author Unkn

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions. -Ellen Glasgow ~~Peace & Love~~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Need a lift? Reach down & first pull someone else up. Then, you too will be lifted.
It's TERRIFIC Tuesday! U are TOO bright not to shine, TOO valuable not to show up 4 your life's mission. GO 4 it...your life depends on it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &

Friday, January 1, 2010

Every beginning is a consequence - every beginning ends some thing. -Paul Valery {Peace & Love}