Thursday, December 31, 2009
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Peace Let Me Out!
Food for thought:
I was reflecting and reading back in my notes. I ran across something I wrote almost two years ago that I want to share:
Your PEACE is your guide out of your current situation. When you're stuck in your mess, you miss the doorway out that God has provided for you. When you find PEACE clarity allows you to see that doorway of opportunity.
Seek peace...I told you to declare, "NO MO DRAMA" & mean it!
Peace and love always,
P.S. Just in case you miss that doorway, look for the open window. Because he never shuts one door without opening another door (or window). Happy New Year!
Join my friend (fan) page:
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them." -George Bernard Shaw
My theme for January 2010 is CHANGE. Change is uncomfortable granted however, if we expect different results we must change. What will you change? {Peace & Love}
Need a lift? Reach down & first pull someone else up. Then, you too will be lifted.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Never Alone
When I posted: Your blessings are sent! Everything you need is placed within reach. Many times we miss them simply because we won't unfold our arms & reach out to receive. Open your arms today & be ready to receive that which has your name on it. ~Peace & Love~
I was reminded of a story...
There was a massive flood in a small town. There was a man who stayed prayed up and so he began to pray, asking God to rescue him from the flood.
As the water continued to rise, his neighbor came by in a pick-up truck with huge tires. The neighbor blew the horn and yelled hop on in. The man yelled back and said no I prayed and God is going to save me.
The water kept getting higher. Another man came by in a boat and yelled get in before you drown. The man yelled back and said no I prayed and God is going to save me.
The water reached the top of the house and the man was hanging on to the chimney. A helicopter flew over, dropped a life line and yelled grab the rope and we'll pull you to safety. The man yelled back and said no I prayed and God is going to save me.
The water continued to rise. The man drown. When he met his maker, the man asked, God why didn't you answer my prayer? God said I did. I sent a pick-up truck, a boat and a helicopter. What were you thinking?
Peace and love,
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Bid 2009 a Thankful Farewell
The time has come to reflect on all that has molded our lives in 2009. We must embrace the good and the bad realizing that everything had an effect on who we are today. The good lifted our spirits and the bad made us stronger. It all happened for a reason according to the divine plan. Today, I give thanks for 2009!
It may or may not have been the best year of your life but you lived through it. Let’s face it so many of our sisters and brothers did not make it to see 2010. Today, I pray for the families of those who departed this life to go on home.
As we prepare to welcome the New Year, "2010", let us not forget the many lessons that we were taught in 2009. When we truly get the lesson, we are able to move ahead. We can walk into the New Year wiser & more prepared. Today, I give thanks for our strength and wisdom!
Before we bid a final farewell to 2009, let us remember that just as an airplane has weight restrictions for its baggage, so do we. Unload the excess baggage before you approach the runway. You cannot soar when you are weighed down. Take flight my friend, 2010 is your year to soar to unimaginable heights! Today, I pray that you are able to put down the pain of your past, unload the negative thoughts, people and places, and pack a new bag filled with peace, love, hope, promise, potential, determination and commitment. It is on YOU to make 2010 all that it can be. Commit to giving 100% to living your dream, your purpose and know that I believe in your ability to do so.
In just a few short days, I bid farewell to 2009 not in sadness but in thanks. Thanks for the laughs, the tears, the wind and the rain, the sunshine and the clouds, the brokenness and the repairs, the successes and the failures, for the friends and the enemies, and all things that brought me closer to my purpose and passion in life. God has done awesome things this year! Thank you!!!
I wish you a very Merry Christmas! Hold on tight because I’m preparing for take-off! 2010 the altitude will be higher, more seeds planted & a far greater harvest.
May the peace and love of Christ be with you always,
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Need a lift? Reach down & first pull someone else up. Then, you too will be lifted.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Give yourself permission to move ahead in deserve it! --> ~~Peace and Love~~
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Looks Like a Dead End, Feels Like a Dead End...It's Not a Dead End!
Along this journey called life, there are forks in the road, sometimes we turn left when we should have gone right. There are times when we remain at an intersection after our light says GO. Other times we rush through a red that clearly says STOP. We are headed for construction & are forced to detour. Often times we think we are trapped at a dead end. But, one thing’s for sure for those that have faith in him…there are no dead ends. For he will make a way out of no way!! Thankful for my journey! ~~ Peace & Love, Irma
L.O.O.P. ~ Ladies Operating On Purpose ~ We all have a purpose, are you living on purpose with passion? I am! -->
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
L.O.O.P. ~ Ladies Operating On Purpose ~ We all have a purpose, are you living on purpose with passion? I am! -->
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Give Yourself Permission To Move Ahead
Give Yourself Permission To Move Ahead
~ By Irma Givens
I jumped from bed this morning with a thought of granting myself permission. Have you ever waited on someone else to grant you permission or approval? Are you tired of the wait? Although you carry on with your daily life does it feel like you are living in limbo. Unable to do what you really want and need to do yet, you are not acknowledging that you’re waiting on someone else. Well, this morning I realized that many times along my journey I was indeed waiting on someone else to grant me approval or acceptance which kept me stuck.
There are life-changing decisions that we should make, in a timely fashion. That means that we cannot afford to stand still as if we are waiting on a bus on a cold winter night. I felt the chill throughout my body as I waited on others to allow me to do what I needed to do for my life. Too many times the bus never came and I felt that I was suffering from hypothermia with frostbitten fingers and toes. A feeling I never want to experience again.
Have you allowed opportunities to pass you by, people to pass you by and time to pass by as you waited, only to discover you were not going to get what you were waiting for? In many cases, those that we are waiting on don’t even realize that we are waiting on them and the saddest part is that many times we don’t realize it either. All we know is things are not happening the way we think they should or the way we want them too. STOP, for just a minute and think back on a time when you had a decision to make & for some reason you just could not. Was it the feeling you got down in your gut? Was it the pouring of emotion that you felt? Perhaps, it was your yearning for permission or approval of those near and dear to you.
When I decided to file for divorce I remember the feeling in my gut, I recall the overwhelming emotion and I knew what took me so long to get to that space. My parents had been married for what seemed like forever & subconsciously I wanted to be married just as long if not longer. For me, there was an internal fight that took place for years before I took the leap of faith. I didn’t realize until later that I had been waiting on the permission/approval of my parents. Somehow I wanted them to understand and acknowledge that this was in my best interest. Yet, neither my mom nor dad had the slightest clue. Since they were unaware and I was too years flew by with me standing in the dead of winter at the bus stop and there was no bus in sight.
Come in out of the cold my friend! The bus has been rerouted…it will not arrive at that bus stop. Get real quiet. Pull out your journal and just begin to write without putting too much thought into it. Stop for awhile and then go back. Ask yourself, who am I waiting on? Why am I waiting? Write the answers down in your journal. Get up out of your seat and repeat this four times a day for 21 consecutive days:
I give myself permission to think great thoughts, do great deeds & succeed.
I give myself permission to dismiss negative thoughts, things & people.
I give myself permission to move closer to my goals & dreams.
I give myself permission to dismiss negative thoughts, things & people.
I give myself permission to move closer to my goals & dreams.
I believe in you & your ability to live on purpose with passion. GO for it!
~ Peace & Love ~
Contact me at: email: or write: Irma Givens, 26300 Ford Road #304, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127, Twitter: @IrmaSpeaks, Facebook:
L.O.O.P. ~ Ladies Operating On Purpose ~ We all have a purpose, are you living on purpose with passion? I am! -->
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
L.O.O.P. ~ Ladies Operating On Purpose ~ We all have a purpose, are you living on purpose with passion? I am! -->
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Friday, November 27, 2009
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Negative people are toxic & can kill a moment, a thought, an event or even your dream. Evaluate your circle.
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Are you ready to let go of the hurt, fear,the past, & the anger. Ladies let the healing begin, right here & right now!
Good morning!!! I'm living on purpose with passion and OH what a great feeling it is. How bout you?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Friday, November 13, 2009
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Are you ready to let go of hurt, fear, the past, & the anger. Come as you are...leave with a renewed spirit!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Friday, November 6, 2009
Past the Tears & the Fears: ~ Ladies Let the Healing Begin ~
IMG Development Presents
Past the Tears & the Fears:
~ Ladies Let the Healing Begin ~
For 25 years she has influenced other’s to reach beyond their self-imposed limits. Irma’s credentials include a lifetime of entrepreneurial and service successes!
Irma is the author of Will the Real Me Please Stand up and Too Tired to Turn Back to be released in December 2009. Both are destined to inspire millions. Irma is inspiring women through sisterhood through The L.O.O.P. (Ladies Operating On Purpose) Program. She is also inspiring girls and young women through The G.R.O.W. (Girls Realizing our Worth) Program
A passionate humanitarian…
The time has come for women to stop hating one another and start loving. The pain that resides inside is real. It has caused far too much internal damage. No longer can you afford to sweep it under the rug. Many women feel alone in their own private pain. Perhaps, you've experienced the betrayal of your boyfriend, spouse, mother, girlfriend, sister, cousin or another in your life and you haven't allowed yourself to move past it. Maybe you had a traumatic childhood experience. Too many times we try to suppress the pain rather than confront it and let it go so we can grow.
* Have you allowed the pain robbed your spirit and stagnate your progress?
* Do you feel alone without the support system you need?
* Do you want to heal so you can go on with your life?
* Do you want to be FREE of the weight that has kept you down too long?
* Do you need to surround yourself with other women who feel your pain & want to help you heal?
* Do you want to be at peace with your past in order to go forward?
* Do you have trouble trusting others as a result of your painful experience?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is an event you can not afford to miss! Bring your kleenex and join others who understand the pain and want to share in your healing.
At this event you will learn:
1. You are not alone.
2. How to build a support system.
3. Why it seems impossible to let go.
4. What freedom from the shackles of pain can do for your life.
5. Three steps that you can take to move past the pain.
6. Network with a group of women working to lead & succeed in their lives.
Ladies, let's begin the healing process now so that you are FREE to
grow in 2010!
L.O.O.P. (Ladies Operating On Purpose) Members receive a $5.00 discount off the ticket price. So, if you have not officially joined L.O.O.P., please
go to: to sign up today.
Time has been built in the schedule for you to meet our speaker, Irma Givens.
To get your tickets now go to:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Friday, October 30, 2009
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Do something rewarding...volunteer with L.O.V.E. ~ Ladies whO Volunteer Empower! Ladies for more info: Peace &
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Listen in The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma TODAY at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace & Love!
Do something rewarding...volunteer with L.O.V.E. ~ Ladies whO Volunteer Empower! Ladies for more info: Peace &
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter:
"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river." The little girl said:
"No, Dad. You hold my hand."
"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.
"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.
"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."
In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...
I had a conversation with a young man today and he asked how to get someone to trust him again. I said well the apology has to come first but that's not where the real work begins. The real work comes when you start to change the attitude and actions that caused the distrust in the beginning. It's the actions that will regain trust. I said, "you cannot continue with business as usual, doing the same old stuff!" Instead, start with being a person of your word. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you are going to promise something...for crying out loud do it! He said I try. Try won't get it alone, you must under promise and over deliver each and every time. Your word is all you have and too often it is used and abused. Stand on your word and do what you say you are going to do. Otherwise, talk is cheap and eventually you word means nothing at all. Peace & love, Irma ~ Click here to visit my website.
The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma
So, you wonder where did I come up with Midweek Mindset for the name of my radio show? Well, every week I'm sure you hear someone refer to Wednesday as hump day in reference to us being half-way through our work week. I began to think about the energy needed to keep us upbeat through the second half of the week. Thus, the show is intended to be a booster shot of motivation, empowerment and inspiration to get you through the remainder of each week.
The show will be filled with powerful stories, quotes, affirmations, poems, resources and yours truly, Irma Givens as your host. It's always a pleasure to spend time giving to others in hopes that I empower them to reach their greatest potential. Here's to time with you! I invite you to join me on Wednesdays at 6:30PM Eastern time at: or call in to listen at: (347) 989-1569. Peace & <3!
The show will be filled with powerful stories, quotes, affirmations, poems, resources and yours truly, Irma Givens as your host. It's always a pleasure to spend time giving to others in hopes that I empower them to reach their greatest potential. Here's to time with you! I invite you to join me on Wednesdays at 6:30PM Eastern time at: or call in to listen at: (347) 989-1569. Peace & <3!
Mark your calendar & Listen in on The Midweek Mindset Show with Irma every Wednesday at 6:30pm EST ~ or Call to listen: 347-989-1569. Peace &
Do something rewarding...volunteer with L.O.V.E. ~ Ladies whO Volunteer Empower! Ladies for more info: Peace &
Top of the morning to you! A new day, new task, new business...why not a new image to top it off? Check out :
Girls vs Women
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Good morning!! It's timely Tuesday. "Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations." ~Faith Baldwin Quotes fb
Good morning!! It's timely Tuesday. "Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations." ~Faith Baldwin
Change Your Image ~ Change Your Life
Ardyss Body Magic is embraced by empowerment expert as a brand tool and business opportunity
Date Released: 10/20/2009 Professionals are finding out that they really need to upgrade their brand in order to get noticed and thrive in this tight economic climate.
Irma Givens, empowerment expert, public speaker and trainer, has mastered the skill of empowering women (and girls) to lead and succeed. Tons of testimonials roll in daily from the website giving her praises for helping improve clients' ability to live on purpose and live their dreams.
She teaches women (and girls) self-awareness skills, empowerment skills through workshops, keynote addresses, tele-seminars, life coaching, conferences and speaking engagements.
But Irma wanted to help her clients more - especially so clients can meet their colleagues and potential customers and/or employers with confidence. She found a simple "shaping" garment that transforms the meekest client into a highly confident person ready to take on the world. She became so excited about the garment by Ardyss International, she became a distributor.
This wonder product, called "The Body Magic," was designed and created by physicians. When combined with the Ardyss Levive antioxidant supplement drink, the weight is literally melted away.
"I've been an empowerment speaker and trainer for more than 15 years and have helped tons of clients find their voice, discover their purpose, create their vision, prepare their future and now I am helping them improve their outer image. By helping women with their mindset, I saw a need to really help them 'reinvent' their outer image in order to prepare them for great opportunities ahead." said Givens.
"This Body Magic garment by Ardyss really is helping individuals step out, step forward and get out there in a big way. The women that I've introduced this product to have never been so happy or appreciative – it’s amazing to even me.”
Not only is Givens sharing the immediate outer "image" benefits of the Ardyss products, she is also sharing the lucrative business opportunity with those who catch the vision.
"The ones that really are excited about the product and have an enterprising spirit, I tell them that they have to seriously consider the business opportunity. It's a great stream of income to fund your dreams," said Givens.
Ardyss International is an old company that offers a new opportunity. Ardyss was started in Mexico in 1989 by the Diaz de Leon Family. Two years ago, Ardyss International relocated their corporate headquarters to Las Vegas, Nevada and changed from a direct sales model to a network marketing business model.
This change opened the door for thousands of people to be a part of a life-changing network marketing opportunity and presents the chance for them to build a successful home-based business.
Today, Ardyss does business in the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Mexico with more than 40 distribution centers worldwide. Many in the business, including Givens, are finding this is one of the simplest things to do.
"Who wouldn't want to look really good, feel younger going to the bank cashing big checks and helping others do the same thing?" said Givens. "Not only am I looking and feeling better because of the products, but I now have more energy and creativity than I've had in years. This is fun."
For more information, go to
Irma is a leadership expert, who offers programs, products & events for women & girls to lead and succeed.
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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work."
--Thomas Edison
Friday, October 16, 2009
Love, Peace, War...Now What?
The world is smaller than we think and our time here shorter than we know. It's time to wake up... Read more go to:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009

Are you tired? “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” ~ Author Unknown Push onward soldier!
Accept it and know what to do with it
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